
Twenty years ago, a friend spoke a word over me from Psalm 45, verse one:

“My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”

At the time, the only obvious connection in my life was the fact that I had written some worship songs for a CD my husband and I had produced.  13 years ago, as I began to seriously pursue writing as a career, opportunities arose for me to do public speaking as well. I experienced a comfort level that surprised me, and then while reading in Matthew, a verse nearly leapt off the page of my Bible:

“What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.”

I’ve been proclaiming ever since!

As a speaker and speaker trainer for the women’s outreach ministry, Stonecroft International, I have shared my testimony, Leaving the Safety and Security of Your Shell, throughout the mid-south region and elsewhere, and have seen many come to Christ. The message is one all women can relate to: the three “S” words…Safety. Security. Shelter. The presentation is suitable for women’s gatherings, multiple day retreats, etc.

Other speaking topics include:

Dismantling Depression by Putting on the Garments of Praise

Dressing for Spiritual Success: multiple session retreat

  • Flourishing… the 4 F’s
  • Looking in the Mirror
  • Building a Spiritual Wardrobe
  • Packing for the Journey Ahead

Holidazed…how to slow down, spend less and restore sanity to the holidays!


  • Living in a State of Readiness
  • It’s More Than Setting a Nice Table

I would love to discuss your group’s specific needs and will often design sessions around what God has laid on your heart as a focus for the event; just let me know!

I can be reached via email @ susanmariniely@gmail.com





Susan Ely, thank you for sharing your amazing testimony with CWC today. God is using you in more ways than you’ll ever know. Totally Awesome.
Debbie Phillips, Dunn Christian Women’s Connection

A year since our retreat… and in this season of my life, I have begun to once again apply your “Re-words.” Yours yesterday was God’s timing for me … and today, also! Thanks so much!
Carla Hawkins, pianist Smoky Mt. Women’s Retreat

Thank you for participating in the Call to Prayer. Your presentation was powerful and prepared our hearts for prayer. We came away from the morning knowing we had been in God’s presence. 
Joyce Wagstaff, SRA Stonecroft Inernational

We were so blessed to have you share your message and journey with us.   So many members wanted me to let you know that you touched their hearts and souls and I am sure the 1st timers were given hope and reassurance by your words.  I hope we have a chance to cross paths again. 
Margaret Casey, Christian Women’s Connection

I loved your “invitation” opening. Its one of those ways your listeners will recall your message of the wonder that Almighty God as gone to such lengths to give us his word. 
Phyllis Stern, Stonecroft Speaker Trainer

Thank you for your powerful spiritual messages, Susan. God truly spoke through you in a mighty way! Your messages were a rich blessing to each of us! I learned so much from the way you prepared to help me as I prepare for Bible Studies.
Peggy Rice, Chair, Smoky Mt. Women’s Retreat


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