What a capsized canoe taught me about gratitude (and why I won’t stop talking about it)



10 years ago, if you had asked me what the theme of my life was, I would’ve said survival. With three children under the age of three, multiple ministry moves, 17 different houses, struggling to make ends meet and trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up, it was all about survival.


Of course, by God’s grace I did survive but I wanted to do more than just survive. In my mind, survival looked like hanging onto a rope, dangling over an abyss and not letting go. I preferred to climb that rope and end up on top of the mountain enjoying the view. Gratitude was the key that took me from surviving to thriving.


Gratitude gradually became my life’s theme


I write about gratitude a LOT. So why am I writing about this again, you ask?


I guess because I keep thinking about the Bible verse, “What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light’ and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim on the housetops.” Matt 10:27.

Yeah, I know that’s a little out of context, but this blog? It’s my housetop and this former woe-is-me-woman can’t help but shout, “Look what the Lord has done! He healed my body he touched my mind, he saved me just in time!”

Literally. Just last week, in fact.

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How to ride out the perfect storm when you’re feeling imperfect

The storm had been brewing all day but we hadn’t paid attention; it was Labor Day weekend and the family had gathered for a barbecue. We rented a movie for the kids, Roger threw the burgers on the grill, and the downpour started. I held the umbrella so he could finish cooking.

After we dried off, we ate and settled down to watch the movie. Fifteen minutes into it, the rain turned into a deluge, lightning cracked too close and we lost the cable. Another crash and we were in the dark. I had candles, but that flickering light did little to comfort my 16-year-old granddaughter who was lost without a connected internet. The withdrawal was painful to watch.


The fingers of God


The darkness was a novelty for the little ones.  I suggested we play a word game (imagine that) and we took turns thinking of really cool words.

“Obstreperous!” I chimed out, when it was my turn. They were good sports for about five minutes until we all decided what we really needed was dessert if we were to weather the storm for much longer. Alas, grandma’s cupboard was bare.

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